I hope that everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a blessed time with family and friends over the holiday. 

I have seriously neglected my blog this past week.  For one it was the week of Thanksgiving and my kids were out of school the entire week.  On top of that my offline business has been keeping me going non-stop.  I did 3 Photo Shoots in 4 days so I had a few hundred photos to sort through and prepare for clients.  Had a Design Job to complete for a client.  And I also achieved the the position of Top Sales for the month of November with my Heritage Makers business, which I have only been doing for about 7 weeks.

One thing that has helped me, especially with all the digital photographs I have taken this past week has been having an established workflow.  So for this week’s Digital Tutorial, I will share my workflow with you.

This workflow can be applied to just about any photo editing software program available today:

  1. Upload your photo into a folder labeled “Originals”
  2. Backup your Original Photos for safekeeping.  I have an external hard drive and I use an online service as well.
  3. Go through your photos and rate them.  I will assign one star to photos that are duds.  Two stars for photos that have potential but may require more editing.  And then I award three stars to the photos I really like.
  4. I will next go in and do any edits I want to those photos marked with 3 stars.  Once those are completed I move on to the 2 starred photos.
  5. Now I will create a folder labeled, “For Print” and save those photos that are to be printed.
  6. I create another folder labeled, “For Web Use” as these photos require them to be saved in a different color space. 
  7. I upload photos online for clients to see.
  8. Photos to be printed are sent off to the printer.

By having an established workflow, you can quickly get through your photos and free up some of your time for other important activities, such as blogging.  🙂

Speaking of other activities, I have to run now to a friends house to pick up some furniture before my next photo shoot this afternoon.  A thoughtful teenager I know wants a photo with her younger sister so she can frame it as a gift for their grandmother this Christmas.  Be sure to click over here to see the photos and design work I have completed for others this past week.